Monday, November 26, 2007

Children : Believe in them!

Thinking about Family all day, I decided to find some quote before going to bed, so here it is , from Henry B. Eyring, To Draw Closer to God: A Collection of Discourses, p.177 - 178.

We must find other ways to convey our legacy of testimony, but the process of teaching, testifying, and living the truth will be the same. The scriptures, living prophets, and common sense tell us where to begin. We need to start with [pagebreak]ourselves as parents. No program we follow or family tradition we create can transmit a legacy of testimony we do not have. We must start where Alma started, so that our descendants can know that we testified from the same ground from which he testified. Here are his words as recorded in the Book of Mormon. It is what we must be able to say: "And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety? Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me." (Alma 5:45-46.)

I have a great legacy from my parents in many different aspects of life. Their dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ made all the difference in our lives. When I talk about dedication, I talk about really living the gospel and holding on to it with all they had.
I also have the legacy of them always believing in us, no matter what, always telling us that we could do much better.
I remember all the encouragement during my youth years. Like Pres. Hinckley's children said, they always believed we would turn out just fine. I guess faith does proceed the miracle.
My mom has since passed away, I miss her encouragement. But she left enough for me to live on and to pass to my own kids.

So, that it is, the legacy of believing in my children, and using much faith to see the miracle. never taken my eyes of the miracle.
Like Alma the father, asking the Lord for his intervention. Given it to him. Coming unto Christ and let him be a part of the process.

Mosiah 27:14

And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.

At the end we can see our own children speaking like Alma the younger spoke, in the scripture quoted by Pres. Eyring, yes Alma the younger, who like me, was blessed with parents who never gave up on him, who had Faith in God to see the miracle and knew that conversion only come from the the Holy Ghost, from within.



Susette 10e said...

I totaly agree! If our parents, who are supposed to be the ones who love us the most here on earth, don't believe in us, why should we. That's not to say there won't be disappointments. I certainly caused much disappointment as I was going through teenagedom, but I don't think there would have been a reason to want to "come back" if my parents thought I was a lost cause. I've always known the Gospel was true and would never deny such, but it was because my parents expected me to marry in the temple and to marry a returned missionary and follow the promptings of my heart, that I've enjoyed all the happiness and blessings that have come from following the correct path for me.
I believe our children will aspire to the highths or depths we set for them.

annelise said...

right on the dot... thank you for the comment..