Thursday, November 8, 2007


Today the Lesson in institute was about Faith, and not just Faith but Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the first principle of the gospel. It all begins with faith and Faith must grow if we want to take us safely back home, to our Father in Heaven...
So many things to say about Faith. I chose this quote from Elder Neal A. Maxwell

" If we lack faith, it shows up in interesting ways. You and I see it expressed as a failure to pay tithing, failure to wear the holy temple garments, refusal to work more meekly at making a marriage more successful or a family happier, the resentment of personal trials, trying to serve the Lord without offending the devil, failing to sustain the Brethren, neglecting prayer, neglecting the holy scriptures, neglecting neighbors, neglecting sacrament meetings, and neglecting temple attendance." (Neal A. Maxwell, Quote Book, p. 111)

This has a lot to just seat and think about. Faith is action , is doing something, is moving on....
Faith in God who has a perfect knowledge of everything.

So I'll just said that about it.


Holly Schwendiman said...

I really appreciated last week's Sunday School lesson and the association of Faith to patience and of patience to perfection. As one who battled much with the question of if I had enough faith couldn't I just get pregnant it really put things in perspective to read that scripture in James replacing the word faith with patience. It brings new light and meaning to all those wonderful talks from our leaders about our time line and the Lord's - about patience. I've always known I needed to work on it, now I understand more why. It is the cornerstone of faith and as you pointed out the display of faith is found in our actions.


annelise said...

Thanks, your opinion means a lot to me....