Monday, November 26, 2007

Children : Believe in them!

Thinking about Family all day, I decided to find some quote before going to bed, so here it is , from Henry B. Eyring, To Draw Closer to God: A Collection of Discourses, p.177 - 178.

We must find other ways to convey our legacy of testimony, but the process of teaching, testifying, and living the truth will be the same. The scriptures, living prophets, and common sense tell us where to begin. We need to start with [pagebreak]ourselves as parents. No program we follow or family tradition we create can transmit a legacy of testimony we do not have. We must start where Alma started, so that our descendants can know that we testified from the same ground from which he testified. Here are his words as recorded in the Book of Mormon. It is what we must be able to say: "And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things whereof I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety? Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God. Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself. And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me." (Alma 5:45-46.)

I have a great legacy from my parents in many different aspects of life. Their dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ made all the difference in our lives. When I talk about dedication, I talk about really living the gospel and holding on to it with all they had.
I also have the legacy of them always believing in us, no matter what, always telling us that we could do much better.
I remember all the encouragement during my youth years. Like Pres. Hinckley's children said, they always believed we would turn out just fine. I guess faith does proceed the miracle.
My mom has since passed away, I miss her encouragement. But she left enough for me to live on and to pass to my own kids.

So, that it is, the legacy of believing in my children, and using much faith to see the miracle. never taken my eyes of the miracle.
Like Alma the father, asking the Lord for his intervention. Given it to him. Coming unto Christ and let him be a part of the process.

Mosiah 27:14

And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.

At the end we can see our own children speaking like Alma the younger spoke, in the scripture quoted by Pres. Eyring, yes Alma the younger, who like me, was blessed with parents who never gave up on him, who had Faith in God to see the miracle and knew that conversion only come from the the Holy Ghost, from within.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Youth!

Our family is studding the Joseph Smith History for the past couple of days. We are reading from the Prophet's words on his own History and we are amazed of the many things we have learned. We stop at every point we want to talk about.

So last night we read verse 22-23,
22 I soon found, however, that my telling the story had excited a great deal of prejudice against me among professors of religion, and was the cause of great persecution, which continued to increase; and though I was an obscure boy, only between fourteen and fifteen years of age, and my circumstances in life such as to make a boy of no consequence in the world, yet men of high standing would take notice sufficient to excite the public mind against me, and create a bitter persecution; and this was common among all the sects—all united to persecute me.

23 It caused me serious reflection then, and often has since, how very strange it was that an obscure boy, of a little over fourteen years of age, and one, too, who was doomed to the necessity of obtaining a scanty maintenance by his daily labor, should be thought a character of sufficient importance to attract the attention of the great ones of the most popular sects of the day, and in a manner to create in them a spirit of the most bitter persecution and reviling. But strange or not, so it was, and it was often the cause of great sorrow to myself.

Joseph's life would never be the same and from this point on he will be persecuted until he is killed.
One thing came to me last night when we read. Our Youth, our children. Maybe to the world they do seam very normal and of no importance, but Satan know how important they are and what they can do to frustrate his evil work. As time comes to a close and the second coming is near, Satan knows he has one last chance, to drag as many as he can down with him. he has done this before.
So here is Joseph, facing the same problems our kids face.
What is today in yours , and my, kids life that is causing them to go away from what it could be the greatest work of their life. sure many will not be called as a prophet of God, but any little good thing they can do counts and by eliminating their influence, makes it easy for the enemy to work his purposes.
The enemy will always tempt us with things He knows is very hard for us to overcame.
Well, How they can stand firm? Well, you have to read the rest of the story... (hint, verse 24).
But this I have to say, even at age 15, Joseph was one of the strongest men , spiritually.
He had sorrow for all that was happening but no fear.... Verse 24 tells where his strength came from..
Let me know what you think it is...


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mormon and Moroni

One of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon is Moroni 9. A loving letter from a loving father to his son. It describes in detail the cause for the fall of the great Nephite nation. The times and circumstances surrounding the events is so similar to the world that surrounds us today and how important it is for our own children to understand what is causing the world to be so wicked.
Well, Mormon describes the situation to his son and give him so important formula on how to survive a wicked and deteriorating society, in other words how to be " in the world and not of the world".
He stars describing the situation.

Mormon 9: The fall of a nation

1). ver. 3 - allow Satan to stir their hearts with anger against each other. ( the word anger is mentioned 3 time from verse 3 to 5) How are your anger?
2). ver.4- anger against those who have authority from God to teach us - to call repentance.. Prophets, leaders.
3). ver. 4 - harden their hearts against teachings...
4). ver.4 - lost the companionship of the spirit. (now that is hard, with out the spirit we are definitely no only lost, but on Satan's grasp.)
5). ver.5 - Anger again
6). ver.5 - no fear of death - disregard for life.
7). ver. 5 - lost love for one another ( not just their enemy)
8). ver.5 - thirst after revenge continually, Ver. 23 - obstinate ( what away to spend you days, thinking ways of cause suffering to others)
9). ver.7 - prisoners ( think of bad habits)
10). ver.9 - no regards for chastity or virtue, morally wicked..
11). ver.10 - murderers
12). ver.11 - no civilization
13) ver.13 - delight in abominations ( became a very part of whom they are, no conscience)
14). ver.16 - starvation ( apostasy is always compared to starvation)
15). ver. 18 - no order or mercy
16). ver. 19 - strong in their perversion. ( do anyone want to be known by this? so terrible)
17). ver.19 - brutal (abuse)
18). ver.19 - delight in everything that is not good ( this sums it all)
19). ver.20 - without principles, ( imagine that, no one has principle, pure chaos)
20). ver.20 - no past feelings ( no remorse, no regrets, no remembrance of anything) Remember in the Book of Mormon the word REMEMBER is mentioned many times, over and over. So no remembrance is very danger.
21). ver.10- token of bravery, (pride) recognition, doing it to being seen and feared by others.

Very scary! Think that this is also the world that surrounds us and our families, and them listen to the words of a Man of God, a loving father, who raised his son in righteousness in the middle of all of this. Raised a Prophet in the middle of all of this.

Mormon's counsel:
1). ver.4,6 - labor with them continually and diligently (not casual)
2). ver.15 - pray for them
3). ver.20,25 - don't dwell on it, don't let it weigh you down
4). ver.22 - focus on your family
5). ver.22- keep in mind that repentance is available to all
6). ver.24 - pass on what is sacred to you as a testimony to your children
7). ver25 - Be faithful (where have I heard this before?)
8). ver.25 - Be lifted up in Christ
9). ver.25 - keep hope on the glory of God in mind
10) . ver.26 - let the grace of God abide with you forever
11) . ver.25 Think of the atonement, ( mercy, long suffering)

So there is a lot to think about it. I know that the world around this two men where very similar to the world around me, great reason to listen and apply their consul in my life... A lot of things to talk about with our children. The most amazing thing to me is that in the middle of all of this, Mormon's great challenge to his son and all of us is - Don't take your eyes away fro the Savior, don't get distracted.

ver. 25 - My son, be faithful in Christ; and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death; but may Christ lift thee up, and may his sufferings and death, and the showing his body unto our fathers, and his mercy and long-suffering, and the hope of his glory and of eternal life, rest in your mind forever.


Monday, November 12, 2007


Remember our lesson in Sunday School was about the epistle of Peter and we had a great discussion. I wish everyone had the same teacher we do. More them just teaching, knowing how to conduct a discussion.
So we are talking about about 2 Peter 1: 4-8 and how to be fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the scripture lists : Divine Nature, diligence, faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance (self-control), patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, charity.
Ver. 8 - "For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
there were many opinions about the Scripture, including mine, ( I talk too much), all very good opinions, and them a Sister gave her opinion and it just stayed with me and came to me with great power. She sad that when she thinks of "diligence" she also thinks of "casual", that if all these things are done casually and every once in the great while, it will do nothing for us, it needs to be constant. I love that, I really do. I think is just right on the dot. The Gospel is a Gospel of diligence and if we are merely casual about it, we are in for great disappointment, it will do nothing for us, it will have no power to save us.
I needed that reminder to never be casual about my spiritual growth or the growth of my family. Because all of this fruitful knowledge needs to be passed to our children...
Great comments make the lessons all the best and we never know when someone need them.
Keep them coming...


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Why have I chose this subject for a blog?

I was asked this question today. I know the answer very well.

I have always loved to study the scriptures and thanks to wonderful parents who focus so much in the study of the scriptures it became a major part of my life. Seminary was the best part of my day. I had the blessing of serving as a Seminary teacher in Brazil for some years and had to prepare a lesson everyday, so the study of the scriptures was always there, daily. When I served my full time mission I also had the daily study. When i finished my mission, my president ask me to never let it go of my daily scripture study, and I promised him to keep it going.

Notice that I used the word, STUDY and not READ. I will talk about it some other post.

Well, some years in the past as I was serving as a primary president in my ward, i had so many young mothers who would come to me and ask me to please do not suggest their names for primary callings, specially in the nursery. One sister in particular was very afraid of being called and she made a big deal every time she saw me. The theme was always the same, "Relief Society is the only time during the week to gain my spiritual bust, my strength".

There I was talking to this young mother who only source of spirituality for the week was 1 hour of Relief Society meeting .

I guess one can tell, that at least she was having a one hour to open her Scriptures, and if the teacher had any scriptures to open. True. All I can say is what the study of scriptures have done for me, and that is why I started this blog.
I believe with all my being that the only thing that can truly save us and our families is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love to study the scriptures because it brings me so close to home, to were I belong and I love to read of the life and changes in all those who have lived before and can testify of what the Gospel has done in their lives.
But I also know that it is my responsibility and my alone to come unto Him, that I can only be inspired to do so, by a teacher, a leader, a parent, a mission president. But at the end I have to be the one to make time and to walk with my own desire. I can't pass this responsibility to anyone else.
We have to take charge of our own growth and spirituality, or in the words of my sweet mother:
"Salvation is individual".
So , let's do it now....
That is the reason for the blog, to see if I can encourage others to find the scriptures and joy in studding them, and not depend on just one hour a week...

Alma 34:

32 For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Thinking about Faith today, again!

So this point has scape me the other day but it came back today because of a certain question.
Sometimes our Faith is great , but things still no happening, what's wrong? Nothing, but we need to understand that the Lord does not see the way we do. We see the here and now and He sees it all the pre-mortal, mortal and eternal life of each one of us. So sometimes faith will make it come but the Lord does have His own time and when we exercise Faith we put all in his Hands, so he will fit in the time frame, the way He sees it. I wish I could remember that all the time and have this kind of vision. Remember that the here and now is not all, there is much more to come.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Today the Lesson in institute was about Faith, and not just Faith but Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the first principle of the gospel. It all begins with faith and Faith must grow if we want to take us safely back home, to our Father in Heaven...
So many things to say about Faith. I chose this quote from Elder Neal A. Maxwell

" If we lack faith, it shows up in interesting ways. You and I see it expressed as a failure to pay tithing, failure to wear the holy temple garments, refusal to work more meekly at making a marriage more successful or a family happier, the resentment of personal trials, trying to serve the Lord without offending the devil, failing to sustain the Brethren, neglecting prayer, neglecting the holy scriptures, neglecting neighbors, neglecting sacrament meetings, and neglecting temple attendance." (Neal A. Maxwell, Quote Book, p. 111)

This has a lot to just seat and think about. Faith is action , is doing something, is moving on....
Faith in God who has a perfect knowledge of everything.

So I'll just said that about it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I love to focus my study on our Sunday School lessons. We are study the New Testament this year. we have a great teacher in my ward so it makes it so easy to want to be prepared for the discussion on Sunday. We have 2 teachers and they are both great and know how to conduct a discussion. one big tip for teachers, stay with the lesson lined in the manual that makes it easier for the class to participate. So many times I have study the lesson only to have the teacher talk about something totally off the chart. So stay with the lesson, it will be a great discussion.

Well, Peter. This Sunday is the book of Peter. I love the apostle Peter. In my humble opinion he is one of the greatest example of change and line upon line growth. From the man who tryed to walk on watter, whom Jesus called of 'little faith", to the man who died for the gospel. Studying his book makes me realize how much the Savior can transform us into the person He know we can be. Makes me say to myself, don't seat there and do nothing, get up and learn of Christ and all the experience that comes your way. For me that is what Peter represents some one who wanted to be like the Savior and who payed the price to get there.

1peter 2;9-10 - a chosen generation -

Elder Bruce R. McConkie defined a chosen generation as “not those living in a particular period or age, but … the house of Israel both anciently, in the meridian of time, and now in these latter-days. … [It includes] faithful members of the Church who have taken upon themselves the name of Christ and been adopted into his family” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1966-73], 3:294).

this is another theme for me. Peter knew he had being chosen by the Savior to do His work.

I think of me , do I really know I have being chosen to do the things the Lord called me to do, that includes, church callings, motherhood, and more? I think it made such a great difference in Peter's life the knowledge of who He was and what he had to do. I think it makes all the difference when we know who we really are and our responsibility in helping the kingdom of God on earth. I think it makes us realize that we have to learn from our mistakes and repent and try again and again into our Faith is perfect.
There are so many lessons on the 2 books of Peter. This week the one I need to take is about of doing something with the knowledge i have of who I am and most of all of who Jesus Christ is and work hard to build his kingdom and be teachable, always teachable.
This is Peter for me, a man that wanted to be like the Savior and was not afraid of learning how.

to start

well, this is a big step for me. I have wanted to have a blog for a long time, just didn't know what to talk about it. I decided to share some of my scripture study with my friends. I think that the gospel is an area that describes me the best. I do like everything about it...
So, why not share....
You have to forgive my English and do your best to understand...
Every once in the while I my have a picture.

Hugs to all