Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I love to focus my study on our Sunday School lessons. We are study the New Testament this year. we have a great teacher in my ward so it makes it so easy to want to be prepared for the discussion on Sunday. We have 2 teachers and they are both great and know how to conduct a discussion. one big tip for teachers, stay with the lesson lined in the manual that makes it easier for the class to participate. So many times I have study the lesson only to have the teacher talk about something totally off the chart. So stay with the lesson, it will be a great discussion.

Well, Peter. This Sunday is the book of Peter. I love the apostle Peter. In my humble opinion he is one of the greatest example of change and line upon line growth. From the man who tryed to walk on watter, whom Jesus called of 'little faith", to the man who died for the gospel. Studying his book makes me realize how much the Savior can transform us into the person He know we can be. Makes me say to myself, don't seat there and do nothing, get up and learn of Christ and all the experience that comes your way. For me that is what Peter represents some one who wanted to be like the Savior and who payed the price to get there.

1peter 2;9-10 - a chosen generation -

Elder Bruce R. McConkie defined a chosen generation as “not those living in a particular period or age, but … the house of Israel both anciently, in the meridian of time, and now in these latter-days. … [It includes] faithful members of the Church who have taken upon themselves the name of Christ and been adopted into his family” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3 vols. [1966-73], 3:294).

this is another theme for me. Peter knew he had being chosen by the Savior to do His work.

I think of me , do I really know I have being chosen to do the things the Lord called me to do, that includes, church callings, motherhood, and more? I think it made such a great difference in Peter's life the knowledge of who He was and what he had to do. I think it makes all the difference when we know who we really are and our responsibility in helping the kingdom of God on earth. I think it makes us realize that we have to learn from our mistakes and repent and try again and again into our Faith is perfect.
There are so many lessons on the 2 books of Peter. This week the one I need to take is about of doing something with the knowledge i have of who I am and most of all of who Jesus Christ is and work hard to build his kingdom and be teachable, always teachable.
This is Peter for me, a man that wanted to be like the Savior and was not afraid of learning how.


Holly Schwendiman said...

This was largely the theme of this year's Women's Conference too. I have loved delving into this question for myself and trying to identify more things that I could or should be doing - what I was sent here in this specific time for. I think what you're sharing on your blog is awesome dear!


Jayne said...

Wow this is exciting Carmen has a blog! I will check it often and try to keep up with you. You are so smart and so sensitive. Keep them comming! Jayne