Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Alma , the Younger and his Father!

I have being studding the story of the conversion of Alma the Younger. Mosiah 27
I have to say that so many things have come to me in study this chapter. Jim and I have been studying and talking about it.
So many points have come to us.
1st. the father Alma - One can say that we can't judge the parents by the behavior of their children. The truth is we should not judge anyone , anyway, because we have being commanded not to. the Savior himself did warn us about the dangers of judging others. The fact is , we know that in this case Alma was a just man who was faithful and had raised his son in the light of the gospel, Alma , the son, chose to be wicked, it was his choice. Many parents are not like that, they feel the battle is to great and choose not to fight in hopes that things will work out at the end.
In the Old Testament, there is another story , like that , 2 fathers, the high priest and the Prophet Samuel. Both had sons that did not choose to follow their father's example. Both fathers where told to take care of the situation, Samuel, the Prophet did called his sons to repentance, The High Priest just let it go, so he was called to repentance by the Lord.
Both fathers saw the terrible destruction of their sons.
So, the parenting challenge is to make a difference in pointing the away to our children, if we fail to stand strong I'm sure we will have to answer to the Lord for it, but if we do our part them we can not only stand before the lord spotless but collect the blessings.
So, yes, let's not judge one another, but let us be mindful that we need to Stand for what we believe even to our kids. That , in my opinion, is the kind of father Alma was, and that, in my opinion is why the Angel came to help his son.
The bottom line is, are we going to judge or being like the good church members in Alma's ward who saw that the only good thing to do was to pray for the boys?

Hopefully we are the one praying...

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